I feel the need to introduce you (in the most impersonal way possible) to the four student guides we have. Three are students at the University of Ghana in Legon (one just graduated), and we honestly would not make it very far without them. They have made themselves available to answer all of our questions which must sound rediculous and to take care of us when something goes wrong. They've also taken on a lot of the logistics of our trip.

From left to right: Lizzy (the graduate), Nii (my age, he runs track and does the high jump and gives the meanest high fives), Angie ('Mama Angie', she's a senior, I think she's 26 and we're her children in the most loving way- she always asks if we're taking our malaria medication and that we're eating enough), and Irene (a freshmen, but still more on the ball than the rest of us). To be fair, these are the guides in their church going outfits, so they don't always look so formal, but they are all lovely and if you ever through some bizarre twist of fate get to meet them, you are a lucky human being.
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